Eagle - MP3

$16.99 (tax incl.)

EAGLE A unique guided meditation with sound effects of the spirited eagle. High vibrational frequencies of exotic music accompanied with evocative vocals and nature sounds.


Eagle is one of the most influential animal spirit guides.  Eagle teaches you to look at your life from an aerial viewpoint while staying grounded.  You will soar and use the wisdom of the eagle for your freedom.  Find out what message it has for you.

The eagle guided meditation represents:

freedom          vision

illuminated spirit

healing       magic      messenger

There are thousands of studies about the powerful benefits of meditation.  Western medical doctors are beginning to understand the mind’s role in health and there has been an increased interest for using meditation in medicine.  Many medical clinics and hospitals now offer meditation as a tool for a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Meditation is used as a stress management technique.  Athletes use meditation to prepare for their win.  It reduces anxiety levels, nervousness making them feel less worried and mostly self-confident, secure and inner calm.

Meditation is not reserved only for monks and gurus!  John Howard, cycling Hall of Famer uses meditation and visualization techniques.  Meditation teacher, George Mumford taught the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers.  Meditation increases you being in the zone, being at your highest level possible.

Monks have an extraordinary resilience bouncing back from not so nice things happening to them in life and they are filled with contentment.  Have you seen the Dalai Lama?  He is always smiling.  He said if he weren’t a monk, he would be an engineer.

Test results from EEG’s and MRI’s show the amazing results of meditation.  This is not about machines it’s about the challenges of everyday people.

Richard Davidson is a scientist and has received a grant to see what happens when someone meditates.  He sees “emotions ebb and flow, so do brain chemistry and blood flow.  Fear, depression, love, they get different parts of the brain working.  Happiness, enthusiasm, and joy show up on the left side near the front cortex.  Anxiety and sadness to the right, depression and others far left.  He then tested a monk, who was right off the curve.  That was one happy monk.”

Meditation is the hottest modality.  Eases body tension, stress, reduces blood pressure, and helps you see a new fresh perspective.  Whether you are a professional, student, or homemaker, guided meditation is easy and effortless.

Enjoy all of the 20 CD’s in the Relax to Go™ collection.  Experience deep meditative, restorative peace in minutes.  Optimum health in your mind, body and spirit.

$16.99 (tax incl.)